application security testing

    Free app security testing designed for developers, built for mobile

    Quickly find & solve security issues in your mobile app’s code and dependencies, based on security standards (e.g. OWASP MASVS ). Actionable recommendations enable quick resolution, keeping launches on time and on budget.


    Industry-leading, mobile application security testing of Android and iOS apps.


    Take advantage of unlimited scans, unlimited apps, and unlimited users

    Ensure more secure apps without incurring additional costs.


    Streamline your secure development process

    Navigate easily through the findings, fix security issues rapidly with actionable recommendations, and integrate mobile application security testing in DevOps toolchains.


    Perform thorough mobile application security testing

    Utilize multiple analysis techniques to obtain relevant, actionable findings about your app’s code statically and during runtime.


    Adhere to security standards

    Developers and security professionals benefit from standardized security frameworks like OWASP MASVS to efficiently explore and analyze the findings.

    Mobile application security testing

    Utilizing the right scanning tool can offer fast, accurate, and actionable feedback to dramatically improve the security posture of your mobile app during the development cycle.

    AppSweep enables developers to put mobile security at the forefront of app development.

    Leveraging AppSweep helps you identify and more quickly fix security issues in your code and dependencies with actionable recommendations and insights that help you build more secure mobile apps.

    By developers, for developers

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